Hallo Frank,

> Bitte mit dieser Version noch einmal testen.

ich habs gerade reinkopiert.
Allerdings gibt es auch das Problem in BelWü moodle, dass der cronjob
nur ausgeführt wird, wenn man "auf Standard zurücksetzen" anhackt: und
nach dem einen Lauf ist es wieder weg ..

Hier die Meldungen:
Execute scheduled task: openlml enrolment sync
... started 23:55:08. Current memory use 3.1MB.
    added 4207 to cohort 444
    enroled cohort 466 to course 108 as students
    enroled cohort 468 to course 77 as students
    enroled cohort 453 to course 78 as students
    enroled cohort 444 to course 12 as teachers
    enroled cohort 445 to course 84 as students
    enroled cohort 445 to course 73 as students
    enroled cohort 489 to course 73 as students
    enroled cohort 444 to course 69 as teachers
    enroled cohort 444 to course 2 as teachers
    enroled cohort 444 to course 35 as teachers
    enroled cohort 466 to course 88 as students
    enroled cohort 449 to course 88 as students
    enroled cohort 458 to course 88 as students
    enroled cohort 456 to course 88 as students
    enroled cohort 464 to course 88 as students
    enroled cohort 459 to course 88 as students
    enroled cohort 451 to course 88 as students
    enroled cohort 453 to course 88 as students
    enroled cohort 457 to course 88 as students
    enroled cohort 462 to course 88 as students
    enroled cohort 452 to course 88 as students
    enroled cohort 432 to course 88 as students
    enroled cohort 461 to course 88 as students
    enroled cohort 468 to course 88 as students
    enroled cohort 445 to course 88 as students
    enroled cohort 454 to course 88 as students
    enroled cohort 448 to course 88 as students
    enroled cohort 447 to course 88 as students
    enroled cohort 460 to course 88 as students
    enroled cohort 463 to course 88 as students
    enroled cohort 446 to course 88 as students
    enroled cohort 444 to course 125 as teachers
... used 15001 dbqueries
... used 77.710695981979 seconds
Scheduled task complete: openlml enrolment sync

.. sieht gut aus.
Jetzt schau ich , ob mein Lehrer da ist ..
Er ist im Lehrerzimmer angekommen: aber seinen Kursbereich gibt es noch

Nun steht auch endlich beim geplanten Task, dass er schonmal ausgeführt

Einmal mehr: Tausend Dank Frank.

Viele Grüße


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