At 05:18 PM 2/22/99 +0800, Dave Crocker wrote:
>At 12:53 AM 2/22/99 -0800, Einar Stefferud wrote:
>>For whatever it is worth, ORSC is willing and able to lend whatever
>>support it has or can muster to another protest or move to compete
>>with ICANN in this "no-cost" award by NTIA/NIST.
>>What ORSC is not in position to do is to become an opperating compay
>>able to make a credible proposal;-)...  That is all...\Stef
>I'm sure NSI appreciates the constructive nature of this offer.  Since this 
>puts forward no viable alternative, its sole effect is to assist pursue 
>further delay, maintaining NSI's uncontrolled monopoly position that much 
>longer.  Very helpful, indeed.  Internet users must also appreciate how 
>much this helps their access to competitive services.

So, if I understand your position, you would be willing to deal with the
devil himself just to move things forward and crush NSI? That's some pretty
heavy sentiment brother. It is also not quite the best frame of mind in
which to make critical decisions. "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!"
works in the movies and it even makes a good war story. Unfortunately, such
"John Wayne" tactics also create a bunch of dead heros. In a way, that's
sort of what was done with the ICANN and that's why they're in trouble.
Roeland M.J. Meyer - 
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