"Roeland M.J. Meyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Actually, I was speaking to two different issues simultaneously. Perhaps
>that was wrong since it so muddied them in your mind. I should have
>bifurcated them. One is the issue that non-profits can raise sufficient
>funding for major projects. I have never seen that succeed. There usually
>has to be some major benefactor to get the ball rolling and do the initial
>capital outlay. Once that occurs, maintenance funding is usually
>achievable. It has nothing to do with the merits of the non-profit, in
>those circumstances.

It's too bad that ICANN can't be set up like the Monterey Aquarium.
They got some seed money from a major company (I forget which) for a
fixed period of time, after which they were told they were on their
own.  They're still around, and seem to be doing quite well.  They
perform a variety of services, and are entrusted, to a certain extent,
with resources that have value to concerned parties, so their
situation is analogous to ICANN's.


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