At 06:18 PM 2/22/99 +0800, Dave Crocker wrote:
>At 02:02 AM 2/22/99 -0800, Roeland M.J. Meyer wrote:
>>So, if I understand your position, you would be willing to deal with the
>>devil himself just to move things forward and crush NSI? That's some pretty
>Roeland, I'm impressed with the creativity of your multiple 
>interpretations, particularly since they have nothing to do with anything I 


I'm just putting all this together with the things you have stated in the
past. It is possible that I have mis-interpreted them, of course.

>1.  You use a style of logic which says that if one is not in favor of one 
>thing, then one must be in favor of another other, no matter how extreme or 
>unfounded the second and no matter how many other possible positions are 

You could try iterating your position more clearly.<grin> It looks like you
were taking pot-shots, but haven't stated your platform. Ergo, you must
have been taking the diametrically opposed position. If this is not the
case, please so state.

>While I realize that some folks have taken great delight in 
>demonizing the ICANN activity, it is rather far from being an incarnation 
>of the devil, and has rather more global support than the devil.  

That's debatable. Their current level of funding leads one to think
otherwise. It is arguable that, if they had the support then they'd have
the dough. Personally, I think it is caused by their business structure.
Non-profits *always* are short of funds. That's not real good for stability.

>significantly is that we are somewhere in the vicinity of the SIXTH round 
>of "starting" over the past FIVE years, and one must note that the 
>continuing effort to demand perfection serves only to ensure that we attain 
>the opposite.  That certainly is the current evidence, since users continue 
>to provided no competition from which to choose service, do they?

I remember three, were there more before IAHC?

>2.  A desire to move NSI out of an unregulated monopoly position contains 
>no indication of desire that NSI go out of business or otherwise be 
>"crushed".  It is facinating that you would take a desire for level 
>competitive field and interpret it in such a fashion.  Facinating, but not 

As I said, I was still hearing/remembering your past declarations. If they
were wrong then you have some consistency issues. As for myself, I have
also changed positions somewhat, that is not an issue. But, if you are
changing a position, it would be nice to know what it is.

Roeland M.J. Meyer - 
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                       KISS ... gotta love it!

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