At 01:46 PM 2/22/99 +0000, Jim Dixon wrote:
>Given recent signs of ICANN's wanting to impose rigid central controls
>on the Internet and given ICANN board's unwillingness to let anyone
>hear how they come to these odd decisions, the NSI monopoly begins to
>look like the lesser evil.
>In other words, we need delay.  We do not need a vast bureaucracy
>overseeing the Internet.  If the cost of killing off the vast
>bureaucracy is a few hundred million going to NSI, let them have it.
>It's the cheaper solution.  The ICANN empire will cost far more.

Jim, had the original "compromise" effort been allowed to proceed, we would 
not be faced with the "vast bureaucracy" that is now developing.  But too 
many people chose to vocally and vigorously and politically oppose that 
much simpler effort and these people pressured things towards the current 

It would, in fact, be helpful for those who have been active in this topic 
to consider the real effects of their efforts, in particular the extent to 
which their constant complaining and constant pressing for delays has 
served only to creat more problems and more delays, rather than making 
things better.  They should reflect on the very basic question which asks 
what is going to happen that will make meaningful change, or whether it is, 
perhaps, time to stop complaining and instead make progress.

Those who have been active and constant complainers against efforts to 
progress should consider these questions very, very carefully, Jim.


Dave Crocker                                       Tel: +60 (19) 3299 445
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>             Post Office Box 296, U.P.M.
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Brandenburg Consulting
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