what mikki says here makes hell of alot of sense.
never in my life have i seen such an assortment of charges,  rudeness,
allusions, hypothetical conspiracies, and negativity ( i am not just talking
about the ORSC list.. i see it in exchanges in IFWP,DNSO etc. as well).
it seem that no matter what one does and no matter what position one takes,
there is always someone out there to criticize,castigate allude, condemn,
and accuse and frankly it does not bode well for the concept of "open
Internet interaction".

it seems that sometimes this whole thing becomes a game of "last man
standing" .  what is even worse is that i see countless cases of situations
where someone over-reacts primarily just because they didn't take just a
little more time to read and analyze the correspondence they are
over-reacting to a little closer.  the world is full of compromises and
those who remain totally adamant that "theirs is the one and only way"
usually end up walking down a very lonely road.

jay was invited (and i am sure mikki was invited for similar reasons)  to
assure that ORSC perspectives were presented for full consideration.
i feel that we need a  lull in all of this pervasive suspicion, antagonism,
bitching, moaning, and criticizing and this has to happen in all of the

there is so much diversion out there with this crap that we are becoming far
too distracted from all of our respective tasks. we need in the next few
weeks to try to stay focused on the principal task (at least as i see it)
and that  is one of creating an orderly,open, & responsible transition.

lets stop spending so much time yelling and complaining at each other and
try to spend just a little more time listening to each other ...

ken stubbs

-----Original Message-----
From: Mikki Barry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, January 10, 1999 8:49 PM
Subject: Re: Unannounced, non-public meeting in Washington on Jan. 21?

>I'd like to echo what Stef said, and add a little bit:
>I am getting VERY tired of the charges being leveled against all and sundry
>regarding the meetings, the process, personal character, and just about
>everything else anyone can complain about.  Many of us work pretty damn
>hard to do the "right thing" (and that counts people I personally disagree
>with) and many of us are doing this at our OWN expense without salary,
>without expense reimbursement, and with nothing to show for it except
>frequent flier miles and large credit card bills.
>Why would anyone be crazy enough to do this?  Because we CARE about the
>Internet.  We CARE about doing the "right thing."  Many of us are not in
>this for personal gain, for fame, for laurels, or for any other reason than
>it's the right thing to do. Unfortunately, nasty emails make the personal
>cost/benefit analysis tilt dangerously to the "cost" side, making me
>question whether or not it is really worth it.  The answer to that is
>largely dependant on whether or not the sniping and rudeness stops.
>So before you start posting to mailing lists about how horrible someone is,
>and mounting those personal attacks, please keep in mind that we are not
>horrible nasty people who want nothing more than to control the world at
>the expense of the "good guys."
>We all have something to contribute to this process.  Let's at least TRY to
>work together.  If there is evil intent, or a nasty plot, it WILL come out
>in the wash and we can deal with it then.  Until then, can we at least try
>to assume that everyone is working from their best intentions and stop the
>name calling?

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