Ken Stubbs a écrit:

> the world is full of compromises and
> those who remain totally adamant that "theirs is the one and only way"
> usually end up walking down a very lonely road.
> jay was invited (and i am sure mikki was invited for similar reasons)  to
> assure that ORSC perspectives were presented for full consideration.

I certainly agree with you, Ken, that constructive work is better than
back-biting. We'd probably all be doing ourselves a favor by staying off
these lists for a while and reading the texts that are going to be
discussed, (I hope) in Washington.

That said, I don't see what your remark about Jay and Mikki having been
invited to assure that ORSC perspectives are represented has to do with the
rest of what you say. I'm sure you're right, but what possible difference
can it make to me or to others not in the ORSC, or not in agreement with the
ORSC perspectives?

Furthermore, if Mikki Barry or you ar anyone else is suggesting that my
criticisms of the closed meeting in Washington on January 21st are just
noise, or mere back-biting, I take that as an insult to me and to my cause.
I have every right to defend my interests, which are not those of Jay, nor
perhaps those of Mikki Barry, nor your own. 

Do you mean to say I shouldn't protest when my cause, my peer group, is not
represented? I can only reply that you are wrong. And I won't stop
protesting just because you don't like it. I'm sorry if that offends you. I
like you and consider you a friend. But that's the way it is. 

> there is so much diversion out there with this crap that we are becoming far
> too distracted from all of our respective tasks. we need in the next few
> weeks to try to stay focused on the principal task (at least as i see it)
> and that  is one of creating an orderly,open, & responsible transition.

Order is not the highest ideal. A silent people, it has always been my
experience, is an oppressed and subjugated people. Personally, I only get
scared when I don't see people protesting against injustice. I guess we have
different characters.

> lets stop spending so much time yelling and complaining at each other and
> try to spend just a little more time listening to each other ...

I'll say "Amen!" to that. And if someone will get me an invitation to the
by-invitation-only meeting on January 21st so that I can be heard, and let
anyone else who wants to be heard come, I'll stop raising a fuss.

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