Mr. Zittrain writes:
> Sorry you feel that way.  Your answer shows just how difficult it is to
> find an answer to my question about invective on an open list driving
> off those without the stomach/patience for it.  (I'll make a serious
> effort to stay away from your carpet, as will the rest of the walking
> undead beavers/poodles you describe.)

 House training, patience and stomach are all
 pre-requisite for freaking Democratic intercourse.
 If. You. Can't. Take. The. Heat. Stay. Out. Of.
 The. Kitchen. Long live Democracy! For the people,
 by the people, of the people. Rule by elite just
 ain't no fun, eh folks? Cheerio, pip-pip and all
 that rot, eh?

 Bob Allisat

 Free Community Network _ [EMAIL PROTECTED] _ 

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