
Sorry you feel that way.  Your answer shows just how difficult it is to
find an answer to my question about invective on an open list driving off
those without the stomach/patience for it.  (I'll make a serious effort to
stay away from your carpet, as will the rest of the walking undead
beavers/poodles you describe.)  ...JZ

At 08:54 PM 1/10/99 , you wrote:
>Jonathan Zittrain wrote:
>> what do you see as the best online architecture for open
>> discussion on contentious issues that doesn't have a small
>> minority of the stakeholders de facto dominating the discussion?
> My real issue was with the source of all these silly
> questions. Your Berkman Center has played a role in 
> these procedings that in my opinion is ignominious to
> the extreme. You were responsible for canceling the
> wrap-up meeting, backing Mr. Roberts and the ICANN
> proposal, placing half your people as staff members
> for ICANN and now continue the bogoid charade that your
> group is unbiassed, made up of disinterested observer
> and serious academics wishing to help us all dumbass
> plebian mo-rons into enlightenment.
> Maybe if you come clean, dump ICANN, pull all those
> eager beaver Berkman zombies off of Robert's payroll
> and join the rest of us you might gain some form of
> credibility beyond that HAAAARVARD perigree. If a pure
> bred poodle craps on the carpet, pees on the bed, chews
> the furniture and then sets to biting us all on the
> ass for good luck we don't give a fuck how many awards
> that pooch hath. We roll the newspaper and prepare to
> do battle to teach that frigging fancy mutt a lesson.
> Bob Allisat
> Free Community Network _ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> _ 
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Jon Zittrain
Executive Director, Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School

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