At 23:02 11/01/99 -0500, Bret Fausett wrote:

>If you're looking for a better architecture, abandon the mailing list. 
>It's a poor delivery device for debate. IMHO, a threaded usenet newsgroup 
>(moderated only to remove the spam) is much better. 
>You'll still have the problem of a small minority of users dominating the 
>discussion, but at least they won't be forcing their way into our 
Hello Bret,

This would work as long as the newsgroup remains fairly unknown, such as
Even the spammers leave that one alone.
But to move ifwp to usenet would quickly turn it into a *real* madhouse.
Downloading the headers alone would take up almost as much space as the
whole daily intake now. Try alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater and
you'll know what I mean.

Better to have a single list (I also hate this necessity for crosspostings)
where the listmembers have voting rights and a tolerant moderating team
applying rules of graduated ostracism. 

This is what Molly or the Berkmann Center should be preparing for the ICANN
membership discussions.


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