jeff Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>For instance, it as a body or board, has allowed Mike Roberts (CEO)
>and Joe Simms (Legal Council) to unfairly and in less than an open
>manner, assist the DNSO.ORG in formulating the bylaws (Draft7) on a
>mailing list that is CLOSED ( Participants List,
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]).  Whose fault would this be Greg?

As I understand it, [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a list for people who
attended meetings.

If that list were open, it would be filled with flames, just like the
other open lists.

But getting back to the meeting attendance issue, it does seem to me
that there need to be ways to increase participation for those who do
not have the time or money to travel.  So I am hoping that there will
be more discussion of using Internet audio and video to accomplish
this.  Even if the participation is limited to reading the updates of
a scribe and responding through email, I think this should qualify for
membership in a participants' list.


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