Paul A Vixie wrote:
> discussion among the people whose job is to do it, is worthwhile to me.
> discussion by the people who think they should have been consulted is
> worthless to me.  probably it is not worthless to you, or to the many
> (i'm sure) subscribers to the ifwp list.  i'd have nothing to gain by
> attempting to stop any such discussion.  but to me personally, it would
> not be worthwhile, and so i don't do it.

Well, I assume that you do whatever it is you do for some purpose,
don't you? It's not just to amuse yourself, is it? So engaging in
discussion once in a while with the beneficiaries of the service you
provide, and not just with those who do it, seems to me to be a
worthwhile idea. No business or service is ever very successful, or
not for very long, if it ignores the clients, isn't that so?

Michael Sondow           I.C.I.I.U.
Tel. (212)846-7482                        Fax: (603)754-8927

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