> I wonder if you would be willing to comment on the question of multiple roots. 
> It's an idea which has recently been attracting renewed vigor in these crowds,
> and its supporters are so energetic, I sometimes wonder whether some new sort
> of alternate root launch is imminent. Outspoken advocates of alternate and
> multiple roots on this list include (presuming I've been reading them
> correctly) Karl Auerbach, Richard Sexton, Jim Dixon, and Roeland Meyer, people
> whom I generally consider to be sober (well, mostly) and technically astute. 

I just wanted to add that while I advocate multiple root systems, I don't
advocate fracturing the top level domains with varient versions.  My
canonical example is that when one looks up "freds.barbershop.xxx" one had
better get vectored to Fred's no matter what root system they enter

But I'd let that fracturing be prevented by the fact that nobody will use
a root system that includes bad versions of TLDs.  I find that preferable
to having some sort of DNS overlord commanding consistency.

The interesting twist is that there is nothing that prevents this from
happening.  Anybody with the gumption can easily set it up.  The hard part
is getting people to use it.

My notes on this are in the second part of:



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