Wednesday, July 28, 1999, 10:34:27 PM, Michael Sondow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Jeff Williams wrote:
>>   I am not answering your question for Paul, 

> You and William Walsh are irremediable morons. For the first time, I
> had engaged a root server operator in a serious discussion, and you
> have scared him off with your idiot postings. You two have destroyed
> the credibility of the IFWP.


You are the moron.  You still haven't learned who your friends are.
And i fyou think you had engaged Vixie in a serious discussion, you
are deluding yourself.  Vixie was not participating in a serious
discussion with you, and anyone watching could see that.

If anyone has destroyed anything, it is you.  Get a grip Michael.

William X. Walsh
General Manager, DSo Internet Services
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fax:(209) 671-7934

The Law is not your mommy or daddy to go crying
to every time you have something to whimper about.

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