Again, I ask you publically to stop posting in MIME-encapsulated HTML.

Thank you.

Mark C. Langston        LATEST: ICANN refuses   Let your voice be heard:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  to consider application for
Systems Admin    Constituency status from organized
San Jose, CA      individual domain name owners

On 23 August 1999, Planet Communications Computing Facility 

>  This message is in MIME format.  The first part should be readable text,
>  while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.
>  Send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more info.
>Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=us-ascii
>We have just finished a distribution of pr on behalf of ICANN.  As a
>member of ICANN we felt the membership base is unrepresentative of the
>internet community.
>We have identified the following groups of interested parties:
>       Small Business
>       Anarchists
>       Pornographers
>       Christian / Religious
>       Spanish / French
>We've reached out to them and anticipate they will join us via remote in
>We have also complained (unofficially) to Mr. Twomey's government.
>Santiago 1999 - oley!
>Jeff Mason
>keeping the internet free of government - because we care ;-)
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 13:48:38 -0400
>From: Planet Communications <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Government takeover of Internet
>We are providing notice we object to comments made by Australian
>representative Paul Twomey with respect to government takeover of the
>internet.  We will be entering a fomal objection and with to inform you
>of our shock.
>Content-Type: TEXT/HTML; CHARSET=us-ascii; NAME="GAC-video.html"
>Government takeover of Internet
></title></head><body bgcolor="#660000" text="#660000" link=red vlink=red>
><table width=650 border=2 cellspacing="5" cellpadding="15" valign="TOP">
>       <td width=500 bgcolor="White">
><B><H2>Do you trust this man and his government buddies to run and control the
> internet for you?
><B>Dr. Paul Twomey works for the Government of Australia as the Chief Executiv
>e Officer of the
>National Office for the Information Economy.  Dr. Twomey was appointed by the 
>Australian and United 
>States governments to impose government regulation on the internet.  Dr. Twome
>y is the chairman of the 
>Government Advisory Committee of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names a
>nd Numbers (ICANN).
>They want to tax domain names and your internet connection.<BR><BR>
>ICANN was establsihed by the United States government to represent the interne
>t community -
>THAT'S YOU. Help save ICANN from a government 
>takeover - participate - join - vote. ICANN is your organization
> <a href="">
>       </td>
>       <td align="center"  width=150 valign="top" bgcolor="White">
>Real video presentation: Government official warns of government takeover of i
>    SRC="loony-19990525.rpm"
>    WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=100
>    CONSOLE=one
>    CONTROLS=ImageWindow
>    CENTER=true
>    AUTOSTART=true    
>    ><HR>
><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Play" onClick="document.GACICANN.DoPlay()">
><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Pause" onClick="document.GACICANN.DoPause()">
><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Stop" onClick="document.GACICANN.DoStop()">
>If this video does not display in an embedded JAVA window - <a href="loony-199
>HERE</a> to
>display in a separate window - you need the real video plugin to view this cli
>       </td>

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