OK so how do we help the lecturers???
Is giving them links and offering services as a guest lecturer help? Would
not this undermind the old practices that they teach???

>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 25/01/2007 10:02:12 am >>>
> Doesn't the ACS (In Australia) claim to be our peek standards body?
> assuming that Web Dev comes under the "Computing" banner). Wouldn't they
> somebody like them) be the ones to issue a certificate? (One look at
> web site will tell you how seriously they take web standards.)

The attitude seems to be that web development isn't real IT. The funny
thing is that people in the webby area also seem to feel this way. I
brought this up on another list and quite a few were adamant that an IT
professional was one that hooked up networks. To me, an IT person is
someone who can work with either information or computer systems, from
either the technical or human standpoint.

That is probably the biggest problem that needs to be solved first and
before we try to teach the next generation of devolpers. The problem I see
with this arguement is that I do not get 'myself off' by the latest 'geeky'
talk like most IT people, I just love coding web pages and im sure majority
or some of the developers are the same. Yes we are IT but do we behave and
act like IT??? (maybe this is a new arguement/ debate)

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