On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 11:10:10AM -0400, SteveW wrote:
> Soooooooooo well put, Ben!
> I've never understood those on the list who, somewhere along the line, 
> forgot where their 'delete' key was if they had no interest in a subject. 
> Kinda like my reference to the bar at the yacht club, where in that case, as 
> you wandered around with your drink in hand, if you didn't like the 
> conversation at one end of the bar you just moved to the other end of the 
> bar. You certainly wouldn't tell the first group that "this is a yacht 
> club - you're not allowed to ponder philosophical questions".  Just the 
> concept of that has me on the floor laughing my ass off.

[laugh] Steve, when I get up into your neck of the woods, you'll have to
show me where your favorite yacht club is. I'll happily stand you a few
beers; I can already see a mighty discussion (one that wanders all over
the place and dives into all kinds of odd corners) in the offing.

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