On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 03:01:03PM -0400, Kris Coward wrote:
> Funny, but as a side-effect of all this conversation about dying in a
> sealed environment, I ended up seeing/reading a whole bunch of material
> on scuba diving and gear. I have this strange feeling that the knowledge
> I'll put that knowledge to some use before I die.
> Knowledge is a funny thing to go around collecting since, unlike nearly
> everything else you could collect, the more you have, the easier it
> seems to be to store it all.. (and if collecting things without
> requiring a whole bunch of space to store the collection isn't relevant
> to a liveaboard list...)

As somebody said once, "it all gets easier once you get the basic idea
that branches are homeomorphic endofunctors mapping submanifolds of a
Hilbert space." :) I do agree with you, though: once you have a certain
"minimal load", things become much easier to cross-reference. Also, your
ability to check a variety of things for accuracy on the fly improves,
sometimes by startling amounts. You also tend to learn about good
information sources (my latest find is http://www.snpedia.com/. Genetic
SNiPs, what fun! Got there via Manu Sporny... oh dear, infinite
backtracking. Never mind.)

One of the major things you have to watch out for, though, is observer
bias. I'm actually a bit paranoid about that kind of thing, and go to
some lengths to make sure that I'm not just collecting stuff that
supports what I already know, and rejecting things that don't match the
set. To misquote the Bishop of Gloucester, orthodoxy is *not* my doxy.

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