Marcel Grunauer wrote:
> Hm. I'd hoped we could deal with such issues differently than by
> introducing some form of moderation.

I agree. I think that forcefulyl unsubbing soemone half way through a
discussion is a little unwarranted.

So he didn't grok People responded and explained the situation.
If, after the thread had died off and if he had flamed again then
maybethere might have been a case to boot him. And even then there
wouldn't be a definite case.

I'm also loathe to start ranking people as better or worse. There are
people you like, there are people you don't, some people are better at
perl than others and some people can drink more or post more or have a
higher signal to noise ratio but trying to organise that into some sort
of ranking scheme is against the spirit of the Perl community.[0] 

Unless we do the comparing and swapping via the medium of dance.

/me shrugs again

[0] I hacked up a quick script that ranked the karma on a
while back and was dismayed that people started doing things like
transferring karma from their old nicks to their new nicks because I
felt that karma was more an expression of how you felt about something
rather than how good it was [1]. In fact I think there's a case for not
displaying the karma scores, just the associated comments.

[1] As in (bacon sandwiches from the cafe down the road from me)++ 
indicates that you are enjoying a bacon sandwich from there not that it
is one karma point better than something else.

simon wistow            wireless systems coder
  wasted early sunday morning

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