Marcel Grunauer wrote:
> Hm, yes and no. People there are extremely helpful if you show
> that you've done your homework, i.e. tried to find a solution
> yourself, read the documentation and such. If, on the other hand,
> you mistake it for a helpdesk, you'll get flamed, plonked and whatnot.

True. But an alarming number of newbies tends to fall into category (2) for
some reason. (Perhaps because they don't lurk for a while to pick up what
regulars consider decent behaviour.)

I remember a recent post where someone replied to a post and commended it
for being a good question -- clear description of what he wanted, what he
had tried, a code snippet, and what actually came out. But that sort of
thing is fairly rare compared to quite a bit of other things that come

Philip Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
All opinions are my own, not my employer's.
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.

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