On Mon, Oct 01, 2001 at 04:32:50AM -0700, Dave Cross wrote:
> In my experience this is likely to be a PHB-imposed restriction.
> They seem to thing that permies are more likely to be "company
> men" and will be more easily cajoled into doing things beyond
> the call of duty for the love of the company.

Hmm, clearly these last few years have taught these people nothing.

> Of course, they also seem to be more likely to carry pagers 24x7
> for no extra money - whereas no sane contractor would consider
> such a thing :)

Ah yes, reminds me of the old saying about the number of keys you carry
being proportional to how unimportant you are.

Paul, who will be taking the hubristic/stupid/curious move of canceling
his cellphone service tomorrow morning.

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