On Wed, 2002-04-10 at 20:36, David Cantrell wrote:

> AIUI, 2.6 ran nicely in 64Mb, 7 was bearable, but 8 unacceptably bad.
> Those are for running as a workstation with X and stuff, so on a server,
> 64Mb may be acceptable.

Well I'm not using it as a workstation, it'd be unbearably slow with
any amount of memory (yes I have used SS5's as workstations but that
was then and this is now).
> Any OS, however, that doesn't run well in 128Mb is a broken OS in my
> opinion, and that 128Mb should include X.  Yes, Mac OS X, I'm criticising
> you twice in the same sentence there.

I reckon about 256Mb minimum for Mac OS/X 10.1 but then I have 384Mb in
my Powermac G3/300 and it's all needed if I have to run a Classic app
like Microsoft Office 98.

> I am rather surprised that they're still supporting older Sparcs.  It's
> jolly decent of them.  Don't suppose you know if they still support 4c
> and 4d machines do you?

Neither 8 or 9 run on sun4c. I've run Solaris 8 on a sun4d box (SS1000E)
so I'm sure it runs on sun4d , I've no idea I'm afraid about the 9 beta.


Clive Hills | Unemployed Solaris/Linux sysadmin | e:
Crayford    | Universe/Reality/Pick DBA         | t: 01322 550166 
Kent UK     | Looking for work in City/West End | t: 07997 013387

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