On Wed 22 May 2002, Simon Wistow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Disregarding handpulled or not was it a deliberate move to use another
> Sam Smith's pub or just a coinckydinks? 

Dunno; it was Leo's suggestion.  TBH I just like trying out new pubs,
so being a pub minion is a good excuse.  I'm happy to scout out pretty
much any pub that anyone suggests, unless it's obviously dire.  Maybe
we should deprioritise investigating Sam Smith's pubs from now on, though.

> I don't know about any body else but Sam Smith's make the worst tasting
> beer I've ever tasted.

Their cidah's nicer than Strongbow, though.  (Tangent: for all its
faults (eg suit overload, no character, me being completely fed up of
it), the PO does have the advantage of doing Weston's.)

> p.s this is not in anyway denigrating the sterling efforts of the Pub
> Czar(s).

I'm not a Czar; I'm a minion.  Czars have to make decisions, ugh.

I have a new suggestion. The Ivy House on the corner of Southampton
Row and Cotton Street, just a minute from Holborn tube, has a big sign
on the outside saying "free function room available".  Anyone up for a
trip there some time next week?  I'm free except Wednesday and Friday.



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