At 18/10/2002 17:41 [], David Cantrell wrote:
On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 03:18:55PM +0100, Ben wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 03:09:18PM +0100, Simon Wistow wrote:
> > The question is do I go for a wires only option and buy my own ADSL
> > modem or do i go for Nildram's managed USB frog at a 25 quid one off
> > charge and then 8 quid a month?
> Wires only. I have yet to be convinced that anyone reading this list would be
> better off with a managed router.

I am happy with a managed router. It means that when it breaks, I phone
and they fix. Or they supply a new one.
Right, but I bet you don't have one of the evil USB jobbies. The ethernet router is merely sucky, and runs very hot. However, to get the ethernet router you need to sign up for a business service, costing ~3x as much. AFAIK anyway. For anybody considering a home (read: USB/wires only) service, the wires-only with a half-decent ethernet router is their best bet.


S. Joel Bernstein :: joel at fysh dot org :: t: 020 8458 2323
"Nobody is going to claim that Perl 6's OO is "bolted on". Well, except
maybe for certain Slashdotters who don't know the difference
between rational discussion and cheerleading..." -- Larry Wall

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