On Thu Oct 17 17:19:21 2002, Mark Fowler wrote:
> This is not how to herd cats.  You cannot ask the cats where they would 
> like to be hurded to.  You must locate a nice saucer of milk, move it to 
> the location where you want the cats to go, and shout at the top of your 
> voice "HEY CATS, MILK HERE HERE HERE HERE".  And hope that the cats 
> havn't recently eaten or don't get easly distracted by balls of yarn (as 
> cats are wont to do) enroute.

Good reasons why I have reptiles as pets.

> In short, marty, pick a pub.  And a time.  And a day.  Central London
> would be good, there's a collection of them on the website on the meetings
> page.

Excellent advice.  So, how about The Calthorpe Arms: the next 2 social
meetings are going to be there, so it must be popular enough.  I also
think I might know where it is, so that's good for me.

Choosing the day is a bit more difficult, but I've settled for next
Thursday: all the meetings seem to be on Thursdays, so they must be
popular too.

Here goes:

        The Calthorpe Arms, 7pm Thursday 24th October 2002

Do you think that will work?


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