On 18/10/02 10:46 +0100, Natalie S. Ford wrote:
> Also, if you say it is in a slightly dodgy area, I am even less inclined
> to try to come along...

I have to take issue with this rubbish about it being a dodgy area (I
know you're only repeating what other people have said, Nat). 

The pub is 7 minutes' perfectly pleasant walk at the absolute most
from Chancery Lane and Russell Square tubes (Central and Piccadilly
lines), so there's no need to go anywhere near King's Cross.

Having spent a year living at the bottom of the road from the
Calthorpe Arms, I can vouch strongly for the area's lack of dodge.

The streets immediately around King's Cross, I agree, can be pretty
unplesant. But based on distance between pub and unpleasant area, you
might as well moan that you don't like the Penderel's Oak because you
find Old Compton Street threatening.

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