On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 09:32:19AM +0000, Dave Cross wrote:
> Depends what you're doing I guess. At least half of what I do with 
> templates has nothing at all to do with generating HTML so it makes
> no sense to use a templating system that is tied to producing HTML.

I guess the name is misleading.
I've used H::T for templating in general.

I guess HTML was what it was originally intended to template, but it's
not tied to it.

> (honestly not tryingto start a flamewar here)

Personally I just had a yukky time with TT at work, so have an
irrational dislike for it.

e:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Sackings will continue until morale
w:   www.herlpacker.co.uk      | improves.  
gpg: D167E7FE                  | 

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