Chisel Wright wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 30, 2002 at 10:17:12AM +0000, Andy Wardley wrote:
> > I always thought the name related to the fact that the embedded tags
> > are designed to look just like HTML tags.  You can generate non-HTML,
> > text but you have to use HTML-like tags to do it.
> I haven't tried, but IIRC you can actually use the H::T filter option to
> deal with (almost) any tag format you like.

As I understand it, _the_ key difference between H::T and the other
"templating" systems available, is flow of control and data. 

The other templating systems call Stuff, and generate content.

H::T takes data from your code, and generates output.

H::T has a straightforward, linear flow of data FROM your application
THROUGH H::T TO the output data. Data and control hop around, with other
templating systems, which can be more powerful, therefore more

How to make tags which stand out enough, but not too much, and are easy
to edit etc, probably depends on what systems you're using (but H::T can
cope with most of them). That's not, IMO, the important bit (and not
worth mudwrestling over).

Tim Sweetman |
A L Digital  |  "*squeak*" --- Kate Bush, "Withering Hertz"

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