On Wed, Oct 30, 2002 at 10:17:12AM +0000, Andy Wardley wrote:
> I always thought the name related to the fact that the embedded tags 
> are designed to look just like HTML tags.  You can generate non-HTML,
> text but you have to use HTML-like tags to do it.

I haven't tried, but IIRC you can actually use the H::T filter option to
deal with (almost) any tag format you like.

> Personally, I think this is all wrong.  I want my template tags to stand
> out against the background, not blend into it.  But the HTML::Template 
> docs seem to imply that this is a positive feature becuase HTML designers
> are already familiar with HTML tags.

Personally I quite like <!-- TMPL_VAR ... --> because in my syntax
coloured html files they stand out quite nicely.

It also means that if you're feeling fussy, you can validate a H::T
template as valid HTML

> I guess we all have different opinions about what's right and wrong[*].

Yes, we seem to.

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