On Thu, Dec 05, 2002 at 03:47:00PM +0000, Mark Fowler wrote:
> Or some people (like me) have HTML mail disabled.  Sure, PINE can read
> html mail and have a go at rendering it but I'm not going to...I have it
> turned off.  Send me a link and I'll probably click on it.  Go figure.

I am just the same!  ;-)

> I highly recommend people look at the various options for including
> alternative text (normally a link to a web page) both as a
> multipart/alternative and in the preamble sections.  This allows people
> (who admittedly suffered the large download already) to choose the correct
> section of the web page to display best suited to their preferences.  Pay
> attention to the option of sending a *very* short message in the preamble
> - certain very primitive non-mime email clients will often display this if
> they can't work out how to deal any further.

Yeah - I think one of the main points here is to think about your readers
and how you can *help* them to read your message, rather than to *force*
them to only be able to read it one way (and a way they may not be able to
view at all).

It may be best that the whole email be replaced as a text only version
with all of the content and alt texts so that non graphical environments
(like mine) can get the gist.  In a similar way to how the web browsers for
blond people read out the alt texts of images, etc...

Ah well.  I will stop this now - all this has been done to death before
and is covered well on many websites (accessibility and web and email,

Natalie S. Ford   .................................   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
.........................................  http://www.natalie.ourshack.org

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