On Thu, 5 Dec 2002, Natalie S. Ford wrote:

> HTML mail is bad and wrong, from what I remember of email standards.  I know
> some MUA's can read and send HTML mail,

Or some people (like me) have HTML mail disabled.  Sure, PINE can read
html mail and have a go at rendering it but I'm not going to...I have it
turned off.  Send me a link and I'll probably click on it.  Go figure.

I highly recommend people look at the various options for including
alternative text (normally a link to a web page) both as a
multipart/alternative and in the preamble sections.  This allows people
(who admittedly suffered the large download already) to choose the correct
section of the web page to display best suited to their preferences.  Pay
attention to the option of sending a *very* short message in the preamble
- certain very primitive non-mime email clients will often display this if
they can't work out how to deal any further.


  Mark Fowler
  http://www.twoshortplanks.com/          The 2002 Perl Advent Calendar
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]               http://www.perladvent.org/2002/
                             a different perl module featured every day

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