On Thu, 2002-12-05 at 17:24, Simon Wistow wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 05, 2002 at 04:35:32PM +0000, Dirk Koopman said:
> > The default setting for "most" mail input on "most" MUAs is HTML. This
> > is therefore what "most people" use - whether *we* like it or not.
> Is this because they actually want it or they don't know any better?
> That's not a troll - I'm painfully aware that I am not an 'average
> user' and am genuinely interested.

My limited experience with this is that, if you ask, they prefer it.
"Like", I think, may be too strong a word. 

But it is also true that, unless you ask, they simply stick with
defaults. This seems to still cover "most" people. 

What I would say, being an evo/sylpheed user, if you do create HTML
mail, please stick *everything* in that is relevant (all the necessary
images, css and stuff). It gets very annoying getting HTML email with
half of it missing - for those of us that don't allow off-site
references from HTML email.

I believe this is an issue for some of the more enlightened
Windows/Outlook shops as well. 

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