And I wasn't going to encourage this skiing thread by taking part...

On Fri, Jan 10, 2003 at 05:10:53PM +0000, Andy Wardley wrote:
> I reckon that all-in-all it takes about the same time going by train as
> it does flying.  But with the train you get to spend most of that time 
> sitting in a comfy seat.

I find it calmer going places by train. It may have taken most of the day to
take the train (3 changes total) from here to Bonn, but I got to look out of
the window at interesting and changing scenery. Fun things like how the
scenery stays the same but suddenly the language of all the things you can
see flips - land borders are still an interesting concept to me. Also the
scenery on the Belgium/German border is quite unlike anything in the
UK. (Rocks similar to the upland areas of the UK, but without the
glaciation). Oh, railway stations look different, particularly because you
can walk out of them into the city, whereas changing flights means sitting
in airports, which all look remarkably samey to me.

Finally, remember that you can use laptops and other electronic devices
while a train is taking off and landing. :-)

> If you go on the overnight train then you get to party it up all night,
> too.  You can also get an extra day's skiing in at the end by coming 
> home overnight instead of spending your "last" day travelling.

This is what my sister has done. She and her husband are planning to get in
2 extra days skiing - one on the day they arrive, and one on the day they
leave. Whereas if they flew they'd be travelling in the middle of each
Saturday, which rules this out. Additionally the extra days are Saturdays,
which she says will be more quiet, because most people are changing over.

Nicholas Clark

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