On Fri, Jan 10, 2003 at 05:10:53PM +0000, Andy Wardley wrote:
> I can also highly recommend going via Eurostar.  I forget how long it
> is, something like 8 hours, but then it's only a 20-30 minute minibus 
> ride the other end.  
Ooh, good point!
> You walk straight on/off the train.  No pissing around in custom, baggage
> claim, etc., something that is always gnarly when lugging boards/skis
> around.  No long check-in times, no long coach journeys.  You can drive
> down to Ashford and catch the train there if you prefer it to Waterloo.
> I reckon that all-in-all it takes about the same time going by train as
> it does flying.  But with the train you get to spend most of that time 
> sitting in a comfy seat.
home->airport:          35 mins
checkin,etc:            90 mins
easyget->gva:           50 mins or so afaik
checkout,etc:           60 mins
airport->chamonix:      60 mins or so
this comes to about 5 hours - and only half of it involves sitting in a
chair... i'll take that over 8 hours sitting up on a train...

> If you go on the overnight train then you get to party it up all night,
This, on ther other hand, is a different matter ;-)
> too.  You can also get an extra day's skiing in at the end by coming 
> home overnight instead of spending your "last" day travelling.
Yeah, bonus.


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