
XDMCP is only used for the initial login.  Once you get past
the login screen, there is no more XDMCP traffic.  At that point,
it's all X protocol.

X will usually only send updates, but, those updates can be pretty
large.  For instance, if you have 2 windows open, but overlapping,
when you click on the window underneath, to make it come to the
top, that can be quite a bit of data that needs to be sent to
the workstation.

It is my guess that you won't be happy with 10 users on a 64k wan.

That is, if you are running X apps across that connection.

If you are running the apps all within the remote office, and then
using Xterm and telnetting over to the other office, that could work
just fine.  I've seen upto 18 users sharing a 56k line when using
telnet.  There may be brief periods of high traffic, for instance when
you send a print job, but overall, it can work.

Hope that helps,

Jim McQuillan

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, Adrian Snyman wrote:

> We are looking at implementing thin clients across our WAN. However, my 
> concern is that due to the limited amout of bandwidth we have, the thin 
> clients will be unusable. 
> How much traffic can we expect on a 64k/bit line with 10 users on the remote 
> side ??
> Does xdmcp only send update traffic through ?? or is it a full screen refresh 
> ??


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