>Fri, 12 Aug 2005 15:28:06 -0700 Arthur Ness wrote:
>I really dislike seeing my words misrepresented on these pages, 
>first by Thames/Haskins, and now Ophee.

My sympathy to you. It is indeed difficult to see one's words 
misrepresented. It is even more difficult to see complete distortion 
and misrepresentations, not to mention deliberate falsification of 
historically relevant data being posted on a public forum by people 
who should have known better, and should have had some measure of 
shame before posting. A discussion of one of your recent capers in 
this direction is on the Spanish language forum Guitarra.artelinkado at:


Ah, you do not know Spanish all that well? Ask Roman to translate. He 
knows all the languages.
>Since my remarks are quite different from those of Ophee and 
>Stenstadvold, they do not constitute plagiarism.

Let's get to the misrepresentation issue first, since you are so 
upset about misrepresentations. Earlier today you said:

 >    I found the piece. It's "Recollections of Ireland" by Leonardo Schultz
 >(Op.41). It's RiBs ms244c in that immense collection of guitar music at the
 >Royal Library in Copenhagen

To present this as your recent find, when you knew damn well that I 
published this piece in paper format in 1984, and when it ran out of 
print, I posted it on line in 1997, at which time you chose to 
criticize it on RMCG, in other words, you knew that it was there, is 
nothing short of a scandalous usurpation of my work. You found 
nothing. It was presented to you on a silver platter by myself, not 
only through my publication of the piece, but also through my 
publication of the R&BS catalog.

You may not like my edition, which is your right, and you may very 
well do one all by yourself from scratch, but you cannot ignore my 
work and pretend it did not exist. People are getting thrown out of 
graduate school on a lot less than that.

>Besides, Ophee's edition has so many mistakes, I couldn't refer to 
>it to make my point about Beethoven influences.

An interesting point but hardly earth shaking. Schulz was born in 
Vienna when Beethoven was still alive, so it does not take rocket 
science to assume a Beethoven influence, but it is a good question if 
the influence was on Schulz, or on the copyist J.G. Holm sometimes in 
the 1880s. You do not know that, and I do not know that and to make 
the assertion of a Beethoven influence on the basis of such an 
amateurish piece of copyist work, is to beg the question of your 
understanding of basic paleography.

As for the mistakes in my edition: since the J.G. Holm abschrift from 
which I worked is now available for free download, anybody can 
compare the two and reach their own conclusions. I am not even 
prepared to argue with you which are the mistakes you referring to, 
since no one had ever seen the actual original copy by Schulz himself.

>   Something neither Ophee or E.S. mention.

Of course we did not, because both of us, as much as we disagreed 
with each other, knew damn well that Beethoven was not even in the 
picture and to bring him in here could only be a figment of a very 
fertile imagination.
>I'll stand on my F naturals, which both MO and ES turn to F sharps.

My original printed edition did have the F naturals, and that was the 
point on which Erik criticized it. Eventually, in our discussions on 
RMCG, you were the one who told me (Remember, all of this is still 
on-line in the Google archives of RMCG) that Erik was right and I was 
wrong, and I should put the sharp back in. As I explain in my on-line 
article, I eventually made the change not because of what you and 
Erik said, but for my own reasons. I any case, the critical apparatus 
attached to the edition clearly spells out the available choices and 
each guitarist can make up his or her mind without being spoon-fed by 
you or by me.

But now that I got your attention: can you please tell me where you 
got the spelling Leonardo Schultz from?

I am listening. Intently.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax:     614-846-9794

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