I'm not saying there are mistakes, I think it is interesting on a 
number of levels, these are good players, so they are making artistic choices.
I think it is totally OK to learn from the video, beacause it raises 
such interesting issues.
I'm going to recommend it as a continuo study, and of course everyone 
should have their own interpretation.
Some might find the theorbo too muddy with the low notes of the viol, 
for example, and prefer the higher sound of the archlute.
And two viols is a nice instrumentation.

One thing the players do really well, is they don't slow down at the hard bits!


At 02:30 PM 3/15/2008, you wrote:

>On 3/15/2008, "igor ." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > i agree !
> > please do that, record your version and show to the italians you can do
> > better and historically more accurate.
>I am kind of allergic only of two points in this longish essay:
>1) "show to the italians you can do better": To me this sounds
>nationalistic, there is a sound of  "ethnic cleansing".
>2) "historically more accurate": Sounds to me as "authenticity" - as
>used some decades ago, and rejected one decade later...
>I totally agree with David T's comments on the "mistakes" and better
>alternatives, but I shudder when reading igor721's "early music
>(nearly) facism(?)".
>All the best,
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