Except for the low 6th course, none of the junctures at the holes on
   the bridge seem to make sense. It's as if he had to give the lute back
   after he had painted most of it and was trying to recall the details of
   how the strings attach. The thickest string is the only one that seems
   to be in a position to go through the hole. None of the others appear
   to even loop under the string either. Some just hint at it.

   I would just HATE those tuning pegs if they were on my lute. How the
   heck are you supposed to get any leverage on them? Yuck!

   Ed Durbrow
   Saitama, Japan



   1. http://www.musicianspage.com/musicians/9688/
   2. http://www9.plala.or.jp/edurbrow/

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