I'm sorry to hear that, because it means going to early music concerts must be 
a torment for you in most cases.


Op 8 feb 2011, om 16:33 heeft Roman Turovsky het volgende geschreven:

> That's why we have so much music in minor keys, n'est ce pas?
> I for one can't stand half-ass minor thirds.
> RT
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Lex van Sante" <lvansa...@gmail.com>
> To: "lute mailing list list" <lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 10:28 AM
> Subject: [LUTE] Re: [off list] Google Art project
>> Minor thirds were regarded as more or less dissonant anyway, and maybe the 
>> so called Elisabethan Melancholy was to be expressed using insufferable 
>> minor thirds.
>> LvS
>> Op 8 feb 2011, om 16:21 heeft Roman Turovsky het volgende geschreven:
>>> It can also be really insufferable, when it renders
>>> minor 3rds too wide.
>>> RT
>>> From: "Lex van Sante" <lvansa...@gmail.com>
>>> To: "lute mailing list list" <lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 10:17 AM
>>> Subject: [LUTE] Re: [off list] Google Art project
>>>> Not all of them were and are.
>>>> A 6th comma meantone temperament upon g on a Renaissancelute tunes to g' 
>>>> is quite pleasant to the ear, well my ear at least.
>>>> I find that when I just tune my lute to the sound I want to hear it ends 
>>>> up being in this temperament.
>>>> Cheers, Lex
>>>> Op 8 feb 2011, om 16:12 heeft Roman Turovsky het volgende geschreven:
>>>>> Those temperaments were and are for masochists.
>>>>> RT
>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Lex van Sante" <lvansa...@gmail.com>
>>>>> To: "lute mailing list list" <lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 9:59 AM
>>>>> Subject: [LUTE] Re: [off list] Google Art project
>>>>>> I think there is a mixup between fret-spacing and fret thickness.
>>>>>> Frets being of equal thickness may well mean that this particular lute 
>>>>>> had a high action which  temporarily can be corrected by tying frets of 
>>>>>> equal diameter.
>>>>>> The frets of this lute do not seem to be placed at the 6th comma 
>>>>>> meantone temperament which most of us seem to use.
>>>>>> I am uncertain if this then would automatically mean that they are 
>>>>>> placed at equal intervals.
>>>>>> There were many types of temperaments available to the 16th century 
>>>>>> luteplayer, most of which sound too harsh for our modern ears.
>>>>>> Cheers, Lex
>>>>>> Op 8 feb 2011, om 15:43 heeft Roman Turovsky het volgende geschreven:
>>>>>>> Anthony,
>>>>>>> the lute denotes FAMILIAL HARMONY, and the broken string denotes that 
>>>>>>> that familial harmony
>>>>>>> was disrupted by a death.
>>>>>>> And the fretting is equally tempered, just like it was (and should be) 
>>>>>>> in real life.
>>>>>>> RT
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Anthony Hind" <agno3ph...@yahoo.com>
>>>>>>> To: "Ed Durbrow" <edurb...@sea.plala.or.jp>; "Martyn Hodgson" 
>>>>>>> <hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk>
>>>>>>> Cc: <lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 9:35 AM
>>>>>>> Subject: [LUTE] Re: [off list] Google Art project
>>>>>>>> Dear Ed, Martyn, and All,
>>>>>>>>  As you lecture on this painting, and until now, I have only given it 
>>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>> admirative, but casual look, may I formulate a few questions about the
>>>>>>>> significance of the stringing and the fretting, about which you may be 
>>>>>>>> able to
>>>>>>>> enlighten me?
>>>>>>>> The fretting appears to be equal and not stepped (which is quite 
>>>>>>>> different from
>>>>>>>> Dowland's indications), but is this significant of  typical stringing 
>>>>>>>> of the
>>>>>>>> time?
>>>>>>>> It could be that zooming in alters the perspective and gives too much
>>>>>>>> importance to this detail which the painter might have considered
>>>>>>>> insignificant; but it might also have been highly significant of the 
>>>>>>>> practise
>>>>>>>> of the time (around 1533), but not necessarily of good  practise, as 
>>>>>>>> it was
>>>>>>>> deemed by those knowledgeable in luting.
>>>>>>>>  The detail, as you say, is indeed extraordinary, which tends  to give 
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> (possibly mistaken?) impression that the painting of the  lute might 
>>>>>>>> be almost
>>>>>>>> as accurate as a photograph. Although, photographic  accuracy is not 
>>>>>>>> necessarily
>>>>>>>> informative per se, as the lute could still  be painted from memory 
>>>>>>>> (doubtful?)
>>>>>>>> or an example of just one man's  stringing, or even a lute strung up 
>>>>>>>> as a
>>>>>>>> painter's prop and not for  playing; but in any case, certain details 
>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>> instruments in the painting (musical or  otherwise) could have been 
>>>>>>>> focussed on
>>>>>>>> (at the expense of others), tweaked or  altered, to conform with the 
>>>>>>>> complex
>>>>>>>> primary symbolic message conveyed.
>>>>>>>> For example, it seems to have been established that some of the 
>>>>>>>> instruments are
>>>>>>>> misaligned, as possible symbols of impending chaos, or aligned to the 
>>>>>>>> date of
>>>>>>>> Good Friday 1533.
>>>>>>>> "But cleaning of the picture has established that each one of the 
>>>>>>>> instruments
>>>>>>>> to the right of the celestial globe - a cylindrical  shepherd's dial, 
>>>>>>>> two
>>>>>>>> quadrants, a polyhedral sundial and a torquetum -  are all curiously 
>>>>>>>> misaligned
>>>>>>>> for use in a northerly latitude. This is  unlikely to have been an 
>>>>>>>> oversight on
>>>>>>>> the artist's part, since  one of his closest friends in London was the
>>>>>>>> astronomer Nikolaus Kratzer  (...)"
>>>>>>>> "The misaligned instruments are surely emblems of chaos, of the 
>>>>>>>> heavens out of
>>>>>>>> joint. The fact that they were intended to be read symbolically  is 
>>>>>>>> suggested by
>>>>>>>> the generally encrypted nature of the whole painting and  confirmed by 
>>>>>>>> the lute
>>>>>>>> with a broken string on the shelf below (...)"
>>>>>>>> http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/art-holbeins-inner-game-1291477.html
>>>>>>>> That the musical instruments are defective, in that one string of the 
>>>>>>>> lute is
>>>>>>>> broken and one of the flutes are missing from the case of flutes  is 
>>>>>>>> evident;
>>>>>>>> but might it not also be possible that Holbein expected the would-be 
>>>>>>>> viewer
>>>>>>>> (just as for the sundial)  to recognize that this  instrument was not 
>>>>>>>> ideally
>>>>>>>> strung, according to the principles of the  time (i.e. if those 
>>>>>>>> principles were
>>>>>>>> already the same as those at J.  Dowland's time, around 1610)?
>>>>>>>> I note that the frets (fre t1 to fret 8), apart from being double, 
>>>>>>>> would appear
>>>>>>>> to be almost equal in thickness.
>>>>>>>> At  the same time, it would appear that the strings are set as high as
>>>>>>>> possible in relation to the bridge-holes. Could this raised string 
>>>>>>>> height have
>>>>>>>> been used to compensate  for  the resulting raised fret  height at 
>>>>>>>> fret 8 (due
>>>>>>>> to the equal fretting)?
>>>>>>>> The presence of  both these features together, could argue against the
>>>>>>>> likelihood that the lute  was fretted with unequal frets, and that the 
>>>>>>>> painter
>>>>>>>> had simply  abstracted away from this; but possibly indicates that the 
>>>>>>>> painter
>>>>>>>> is  "describing" an actual lute strung in this particular way; 
>>>>>>>> although if we
>>>>>>>> accept
>>>>>>>> that, can we be sure that this was a general practise at that  time 
>>>>>>>> (1533), or
>>>>>>>> just one man's "lazy" habits, or more interestingly a  pattern that 
>>>>>>>> those in the
>>>>>>>> know would recognize as a badly strung lute  which would be difficult 
>>>>>>>> to play.
>>>>>>>> If significant, this certainly would not correspond to the later 
>>>>>>>> suggestion by
>>>>>>>> Dowland   (as pointed out by Martyn Hodgson), in John Dowland's 'OTHER
>>>>>>>> NECESSARIE  Observations....' Varietie (1610). Here Dowland relates 
>>>>>>>> fret sizes
>>>>>>>> to  strings of the lute,
>>>>>>>> Fret 1 and 2: countertenor ie 4th course
>>>>>>>> 3 and 4: as Great Meanes ie 3rd
>>>>>>>> 5 and 6: as Small Meanes ie 2nd
>>>>>>>> 7, 8 and 9: as Trebles ie 1st
>>>>>>>> (PS I wrote the whole of this  message, but then realised there was a 
>>>>>>>> flaw in my
>>>>>>>> reasoning. If the  general tendency around 1533 was to have equal 
>>>>>>>> frets, and
>>>>>>>> this called  for raised strings at the bridge, why not simply make the 
>>>>>>>> bridge
>>>>>>>> higher?  The raised strings at the bridge would have to be 
>>>>>>>> compensating for
>>>>>>>> something that was not expected when the lute was given its bridge.
>>>>>>>> Indeed, I used this solution on my Renaissance lute when I first added 
>>>>>>>> loaded
>>>>>>>> strings, as their  large movement tended to touch the frets. Thus 
>>>>>>>> perhaps the
>>>>>>>> expected
>>>>>>>> fretting by the lute maker was frets decreasing in thickness, and the 
>>>>>>>> raising
>>>>>>>> at the bridge a compensation for the present "poor" equal  fretting.
>>>>>>>> I also agree with you Ed, that the strings appear rather thin, 
>>>>>>>> particularly
>>>>>>>> relative to the lute holes, and even the smalles treble string, might 
>>>>>>>> be thinner
>>>>>>>> than the 0.42 postulated  by Martin Shepherd, as being the smallest 
>>>>>>>> possible
>>>>>>>> string at the time  (if not made from gut strips); but I would point 
>>>>>>>> out that
>>>>>>>> some of these features, thin strings, for example, might also have 
>>>>>>>> been chosen
>>>>>>>> by the  artist to underline the fragility of the harmony they 
>>>>>>>> represent, and
>>>>>>>> the  bolder
>>>>>>>> thickness of the transverse frets might then have served to contrast 
>>>>>>>> this.
>>>>>>>> In this case the pattern chosen, equal thick frets and thin strings 
>>>>>>>> (possibly
>>>>>>>> both not ideal), might have been there to underline a  symbolism, 
>>>>>>>> which is also
>>>>>>>> present in so many other structural elements in  the painting, rather 
>>>>>>>> than
>>>>>>>> significant of a general practise.
>>>>>>>> These are just my attempts at organising my thoughts and perhaps 
>>>>>>>> simply show my
>>>>>>>> ignorance; indeed, perhaps I am the only one to see the fretting as 
>>>>>>>> equal; or
>>>>>>>> many of you use equal fretting for a lute that has a particular 
>>>>>>>> problem (I seem
>>>>>>>> to remember that might be the case), if so please do excuse my 
>>>>>>>> "balbutiements".
>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>> Anthony
>>>>>>>> ----- Message d'origine ----
>>>>>>>> De : Ed Durbrow <edurb...@sea.plala.or.jp>
>>>>>>>> À : LuteNet list <lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>
>>>>>>>> Envoyé le : Sam 5 février 2011, 3h 32min 30s
>>>>>>>> Objet : [LUTE] Re: Google Art project
>>>>>>>> I missed the beginning of this thread. Luckily I checked the link. Wow!
>>>>>>>> I'm so happy to have this link. What detail! I use this picture in my
>>>>>>>> academic lecture class at Saitama U. (not teaching one this year or
>>>>>>>> next unfortunately). It is always good for two or three 90 minute
>>>>>>>> lectures, what with all the tangents I go off on.
>>>>>>>> Those are quite thin strings on that lute. I wonder if he was using
>>>>>>>> carbon fiber. :-)
>>>>>>>> [3][1]http://www.googleartproject.com/museums/nationalgallery/the-am
>>>>>>>> bas
>>>>>>>>      sadors
>>>>>>>> Ed Durbrow
>>>>>>>> Saitama, Japan
>>>>>>>> [2]http://www.musicianspage.com/musicians/9688/
>>>>>>>> [3]http://www9.plala.or.jp/edurbrow/
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> References
>>>>>>>> 1. http://www.googleartproject.com/museums/nationalgallery/the-ambas
>>>>>>>> 2. http://www.musicianspage.com/musicians/9688/
>>>>>>>> 3. http://www9.plala.or.jp/edurbrow/
>>>>>>>> To get on or off this list see list information at
>>>>>>>> http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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