On Tue, 06 Aug 2013 13:22:47 -0700, Nancy Carlin wrote
> Actually it's a combination of things. Some of them are balancing so
> many balls in the air that they don't have time to step back and
> figure out a 3 year plan for their careers.  It was pretty well
> known that there are no (few?) lute players out there earning all
> their income from performing (rather than teaching).

Yes, but the market _is_ extremly small. How many solo Violinists/
Piano Players/Solo Trumpeters you now that ear their living from
solo playing? ;-)
Do what the olds did - play ensemble. That solo lute stuff was never
meant for the concert hall. It's either amateur music (nothing against
"Kemps Gig" - but not in front of 200 listeners) or was played for
really small, extremly wealthy audiences.

Cheers, RalfD

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