On Sun, 2 Mar 2014 15:06:29 +0100, Jean-Marie Poirier wrote
> Maybe Visée first met Louis XIV who stayed in Vizé for a couple of
> days in the then famous "Maison Houbart" in 1672 and 1675, during
> the Franco-Dutch War... He was with the musketeer d'Artagnan who got
> killed in 1673 during the siege of Maastricht.

.. being killed just a few feet away from a certain Captian Churchill
(which later became the Duke of Malborough) - what a small world ;-)

> Real facts but

Yes, indeed. D'Artagnan's biography was first published between 1700 and
1701 as "The Memoirs of M. d'Artagnan, Captain-Lieutnant in the First
Company of the King's Musketeers", Cologne/Amsterdam, by Gatien de
Courtliz de Sandras [1].

> the
> rest is pure conjecture and my imagination, of course... ;-) !

As always ;-)

> Have a nice sunday,

Same to you


[1] Richard Cohen, "By the Sword, A History of Gladiators, Musketeers
..", Random House, 2002.

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