On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 10:40 AM, TuxRaiderPen
<tuxraider...@wpascanner.com> wrote:
> I am in a situation where I am looking to possibly use LXC as a way to run ONE
> specific program that needs an X desktop.
> What I am comparing is LXC v. my normal method a VM.
> Why do I need to run one program... email.  I only use KMail, but since
> changes to that program are not to my liking (outside the scope of this list),
> and I would like to upgrade my main box to the latest ESR release, 14.04.
> BUT I need my Kmail! (Thanks, but I am a Kmail only person, no other program
> meets my approval, thanks.)
> I would Xephyr to the LXC container
> The setup would be
> LXC from 14.04
> LXC container with the last normal KMail, I think 11.04/11.10? with X, and
> then I just Xephyr into it, basically it creates a window that has my email
> running.

The easiest way would be to treat the container like any other remote host.

I'm not familiar with kmail, so I assume it can be started standalone
without having to start the full kde desktop? If yes, then the easiest
way is to either:
- allow tcp X access on the host, set the container to use that (i.e.
export DISPLAY=HOST_IP_ADDRESS:0.0) and then start the program. OR
- use something like x2go:
http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:deployment-stories:start . Install
the server part on the container, the client part on the host, and
configure it to start a single application (i.e. Kmail)

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