On Mon, 2014-05-05 at 23:40 -0400, TuxRaiderPen wrote:
> I am in a situation where I am looking to possibly use LXC as a way to run 
> ONE 
> specific program that needs an X desktop.

> What I am comparing is LXC v. my normal method a VM. 

What I would use is NX on the server (container) and Remmina on the
client side using an NX remote connection.  I've done this in several
locations both on host systems and in LXC containers.  It's very
efficient bandwidth wise and I pull remote desktops (XCDE4) over even
slow links and still have it very effectively usuable.

Basically, you need the freenx server and all it's components installed
in the container and Remmina on your local desktop.  It runs over ssh
and utilizes X token level compression for kick ass display compression
and speed.

One gotcha.  I haven't tried this in the last year or so but, at one
point, NX was broken on Ubuntu due to dependency failures in some
multimedia packages and libraries that I was never able to resolve at
the time.  I gave up at that point and all my remote desktops are now on


> Why do I need to run one program... email.  I only use KMail, but since 
> changes to that program are not to my liking (outside the scope of this 
> list), 
> and I would like to upgrade my main box to the latest ESR release, 14.04.

> BUT I need my Kmail! (Thanks, but I am a Kmail only person, no other program 
> meets my approval, thanks.) 

> I would Xephyr to the LXC container
> The setup would be
> LXC from 14.04
> LXC container with the last normal KMail, I think 11.04/11.10? with X, and 
> then I just Xephyr into it, basically it creates a window that has my email 
> running.
> I get to keep my setup, and emails, and none of the issues with the 
> "improvements" of KMail2.
> So comments in re LXC v. VM to do just one program. 
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