Quoting Fajar A. Nugraha (l...@fajar.net):
> On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 8:40 PM, Michael H. Warfield <m...@wittsend.com>wrote:
> > One gotcha.  I haven't tried this in the last year or so but, at one
> > point, NX was broken on Ubuntu due to dependency failures in some
> > multimedia packages and libraries that I was never able to resolve at
> > the time.
> >
> >
> ... which is part of the reason why I suggested x2go earlier. From
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NX_technology , it's probably the only
> well-maintained, open-source nx implementation today.

I've been playing with xspice.  It's had some issues historically but actually
seems to be working for me when built from upstream git, so I'm hoping upstream
will have a new release soon.  (I still need to get it working with the
pulseaudio fifo module, but won't have time to do that in the next few weeks.)
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