On Tuesday, May 06, 2014 04:04:33 Fajar A. Nugraha wrote:
> The easiest way would be to treat the container like any other remote host.
> I'm not familiar with kmail, so I assume it can be started standalone
> without having to start the full kde desktop? If yes, then the easiest
> way is to either:
> - allow tcp X access on the host, set the container to use that (i.e.
> export DISPLAY=HOST_IP_ADDRESS:0.0) and then start the program. OR

I use "Xephyr in" or "X in" as a short cut to XDMCP, Xephyr being one of 
several nested X servers.

That is what "Xephyr in" means. I do TONS of XDMCP for systems all over the 
place, actually I probalby am physically at the main machines I use less than 

That is just my shortcut name for it. 

> - use something like x2go:
> http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:deployment-stories:start . Install

I've seen that before too..

I would just autostart=1 the container. I'd like to keep this down to as few a 
layers as possible. And then use the native XDMCP support.

I am more interested in LXC v. VM comments...  

LXC seems to be the "lighter" of the two, although I have tons of VM's 
deployed for stuff as well. I actually use a bunch LXC containers for "dev" 
setups.. and if I can find some time to play with a centos container under 
*buntu 14.04 I will. (We actually are trying to get away from any non *buntu 
OS server or desktop, but a few still require it due to CPanel requirements.)

Either is probalby overkill for the situation really, but unfortunately this 
is the spot I am backed into regarding (e)mail as I like my client and it has 
been borq'd up later "improvements."

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