Fajar and others have given you some answers that all work.

I've done what you are wanting to do using multiple methods.

   - x2go works great and is easy to install.

server side (lxc container for you):

   - sudo add-apt-repository ppa:x2go/stable
      - sudo apt-get update
      - sudo apt-get install x2goserver x2goserver-xsession
      - then edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and change both of the following
      lines to "yes"
      - ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes
      - PasswordAuthentication yes

client-side (your Ubuntu Host)

   - sudo add-apt-repository ppa:x2go/stable
   - sudo apt-get update
   - sudo apt-get install x2goclient

On the  ubuntu host start x2go, put in the IP address of the lxc container
in the profile form, input your login user id (assuming you created a
userID in the lxc container) and at the bottom tell x2go what Desktop you
are using (lxde, kde, xfce, mate, etc etc), hit save, then click on the
icon representing that session profile enter your password, answer yes to
the SSH key prompt, and you should see your desktop in 2-3 seconds.

   - guacamole installed in the container works very well also but its a
   little more of a setup than x2goserver in the container but guacamole does
   NOT require anything on the Host OS because it uses HTML5 to present its
   "remote desktop" from the container (see: http://guac-dev.org/ ) using
   either vnc or rdp (if you configure rdp in the container which means x11rdp
   and xfreerdp (latest versions can be installed in the container following
   the excellent scarygliders.com website which will automagically build
   then install both for you using the latest source code.

NX from NoMachine's is not open source any longer but I believe that you
can still use their sw for a 1 or 2 user setup.

My personal opinion is that nothing beats x2go at this point in time for
remote desktop and its still open source.  Guacamole is working well for me
now too but not quite x2go level

If both your Host and LXC container are ubuntu you can even set x2go up so
from the host you use just a browser to log in:
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