Michael Gerz wrote:
> Wrong! I raised the same problem a long time ago. We had a lengthy
> discussion but nothing happened.

We brought up the same arguments back then. I didn't hear a good argument 
against the separation of semantic/physical markup.

And my statement was related to the lyx-users list. Show me threads about this 
topic in the archieves.

> If it is really absolutely impossible to introduce a "bold" button, then
> why don't we remove CTRL-B from the bindings file?


> If I follow your logic, we shouldn't make it too simple to use "bold" -
> even for experts that tell others not to use "bold" because it pollutes
> their minds :-) If you experts really insist on using "bold", you can
> use the Character dialog after all. Then you are on the level as new LyX
> users.
> I can prepare a patch if you like to.

There is a way to introduce a bold button cleanly. But it includes removing 
emph and noun and replacing it with textit and textsc.

The same applies for the menus. We can introduce bold to the menus, but not 
together with noun and emph, but with textsc and textit.

If we do not get the difference between semantic and physical markup 
ourselves, how could we expect from our user to get it?


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