Uwe Stöhr さんは書きました:
That means the LyX's configure.py should check what encoding is used by the found LaTeX-system and then set the correct default encoding for japanese-plain in LyX's encodings file? I think we could try this, but how can we get the information what encoding a LaTeX is built for?
Could you also please add for this issue a bug report at bugzilla?

Yes, if configure.py can do it, it'd be great. As Japanese-aware latex's, there have been two major versions, pTeX by ASCII co. and jTeX by NTT co.. The latter is now becoming less popular, so we may be able to focus on the former (this is a matter of choice. Caring both is another choice).

For pTeX, the output of 'ptex -version' (or 'platex -version') contains a line:

> pTeX 3.141592-p3.1.9 (EUC) (Web2C 7.5.4)

from which we can judge which encodings this tex binary is built for (EUC in the above case).

I'm going to compile these problems to bugzilla (with the LF/CR problem).



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