I tested all 3 versions with the OS set to french (Normally I would set the OS to Icelandic but ther is no icelandic version of LyX so I did not notice any problem)

I have got an ppc mac running OS 10.4.11 and the test results are the following:

LyX_t0 did not pick up the OS language
LyX_t1 did pick up the OS language
LyX_t2 did not pick up the OS language

I have not experienced the second problem

Le 8.8.2008 à 14:43, Konrad Hofbauer a écrit :

To all troubled LyX/Mac users:

We have currently two issues that some LyX users experience on the Mac:

1) Starting with version 1.5.6 LyX does not pick up the OS language anymore, but always uses the English UI. Question: Is that the case for everybody or just a few users? (I cannot test since I am on an English OS X.)

2) _Some users_ experience fatal drawing problems (LyX unusable & crashes) with LyX >= 1.5.5 (and maybe related with the update of OS X to version 10.5.3).

Since I cannot reproduce the problem on my machine, I compiled three different LyX binaries which I would ask you to test and tell me if any of the above two problems disappear (or others appear).

They can be found at

Simply download and extract the zip-archives, double-click the included app-file, and see if things work as usual. No installation or copying to a special place necessary.

Please post your results as reply to this email to the devel-list (make sure the address lyx-devel@lists.lyx.org is included as recepient in your reply).

Thanks a lot for your help,

P.S. For the ones interested
current official binary release (from Bennett), built on 10.5

official source distro, built on 10.4, Qt 4.4.0

patched source distro (gettext-bug), built on 10.4, Qt 4.4.1,
additional libGL.dylib linker option

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Bjarnþór G. Kolbeins
Deildarstjóri í STÆRÐFRÆÐI
Fjölbrautaskóla Vesturlands á Akranesi
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heimasími: 431-2579
GSM: 860-2579

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