Konrad Hofbauer wrote:

> Not being a developer, I have no means of 'solving' the problem, but I
> try to help narrow it down:
> What OS Version do you have? 10.5.x?

No, 10.3.9 on a 1.07 GHz PowerPC G4. It is an older ibook that is perfect
for travelling and writing: small, long lasting battery.

> Since the problems occurs with relatively few users, only, do you have
> any special soft/hardware installed that would come to your mind?
> (I am thinking about a special graphics-card/driver, some Kernel
> Extensions, a local Qt installation, ...)

Nothing special AFAIK. Definitely no local Qt and no hardware extension.
Actually, it is not my machine, and I don't have direct access, otherwise I
would have tried to compile myself.


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